Page name: Vulgarity: A Tribute to Dir En Grey [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-10-28 23:52:41
Last author: Whiskers
Owner: Tyrant Calhoun
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A Tribute to Dir en grey

This wiki is a shrine for fans of the beautifully disturbing band Dir en grey!


Praise for Dir en grey:

" . . . Dir en grey is this crazy, psychotic band from Japan. They have a really big following, even though nobody understands what the hell they're saying . . . I haven't seen a band with that much intensity in a long time."
- Jonathan Davis, lead singer of Korn

" . . . Dir en grey bring so many other sonic and musical elements into the mix that they extend not only the reach of their own music, but the boundaries of any music they happen to incorporate into their sound."
- Thom Jurek, All Music Guide

"At times, Dir en grey sounds like middle-of-the-road heavy rock. At other times, it sounds like power metal, and at others, like pop balladeers until death metal screams come blossoming out of the gloss. Sometimes the band thrashes with punk glee, while sometimes it displays chops worthy of '70s prog rock. Then again, it can sound like Mötley Crüe playing songs tailor-made to fill arenas with female screams, or like Orgy-influenced industrial goth-metal. The comparisons go on, and often stack up within the same song."
- Saby Reyes-Kulkarni, Phoenix New Times

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Kyo=voice and Kyo Worship [--->He tell's the truth here!!]Kyo's take on love and marriage
Fun Little Facts About Kyo
Kaoru=guitar and Kaoru Worship

Dir en grey Discography (Created by [Whiskers])
Vulgarity avatars (created by [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses] cause she just loves dir en grey soo much^^)
Dir en grey Essay (Written by [Whiskers] as his final project during summer school)
Diru Live pics (created by [Fake smiles and Bittersweet kisses] come share your Dir en Grey Live pics)

Vulgarity Fanfics

Whiskers Reviews Dir en grey

Dir en grey Setlists (Complete with notes and everything)

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2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: nice

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Yep.....*avverts my eyes* DIRTY!

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: *is watching, not blinking* lol :P

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: So ya like teh Dir En Grey now?? ;)

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: yes....

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY'RE COMIN' TO AMERICA!!!! WOOO!!!!! I wish you could hear their music. Hey I'll find their site link.

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: okie dokie.

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: nice....

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Oh..sorry if your not interested..

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: No, I am. I meant that as an extention of the word, like niiiiicccceee. sorry....

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Its alright.^_^ Its so hard to find Dir En Grey fans on elfpack.

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: that sucks.... they are SO damn HOT

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Jya I know. My parents think Im insane for liking them. Oh yea. If you've heard of WARCON Records they sponsored Dir En Grey's new cd Withering to Death. WARCON is HUGE!! They'll be sellin' Dir En Grey all over. Like Walmart even.

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: dude! that is huge...

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: I know!! Im so happy!! yayay~!!

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: ^^

2006-02-12 [Fr3Ak $HoW]: uh.....hi??

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: hellos!!!

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Hey dere! See the dirty Kyo??

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: *laughs* I love it..... *drools*

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Yea..tis pretty nice.

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: ^^

2006-02-12 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Eiji ish disturbed I think mya^_^\

2006-02-12 [Sabrina Catherine]: ^^

2006-02-17 [Bastet]: Hey when are they comeing to america? I know old subject lol.

2006-02-17 [Sabrina Catherine]: i dunno...

2006-02-17 [Bastet]: Sorry, i was asking Al.

2006-02-17 [Sabrina Catherine]: i knew that! ^^'

2006-02-17 [Bastet]: ...

2006-02-17 [Tyrant Calhoun]: THIS SUMMER!!!!^_____^!!!!! This friggin summer! Cool, huh?? And their cd is coming to stores...March...umm...twentysixth was it? I dunno, but its gonna be big! Withering to Death was sponsored by WARCON Records!!!

2006-02-17 [Sabrina Catherine]: i gg to bed, night.

2006-02-17 [Bastet]: Sweet! I migth be able to go to one of their concerts...

2006-02-17 [Tyrant Calhoun]: I know! Me too!! I can't wait till they start selling tickets an such!

2006-02-17 [Bastet]: YEp! ^_^

2006-02-17 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Yay. (Night Sabrina))

2006-02-23 [♠unlucky starz♠]: ok then an1 know where ( on the net) i can jus listen to sum dir en grey cus im intriguied!!

2006-02-24 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Yes. Go to

2006-02-24 [Cult Video]: Indeed.

2006-02-24 [Tyrant Calhoun]: ^^ Tell me what ya think.

2006-02-28 [♠unlucky starz♠]: i have dun a drawing of kyo and i think its really good(even if i do say so myself)... i'll scan asap and show it to ya!! ^^

2006-03-06 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Really??? yay! I draw Kyo a lot!!! I should scan some too!!! I can't wait ta see it!

2006-03-06 [Cult Video]: My friend did an amazing drawing of Kyo! Its too big for a scanner, though. I'll ask if I can take a picture of it and show you guys. It is truely amazing.

2006-03-08 [♠unlucky starz♠]: hes got a perfect face to draw!! lol!

2006-03-11 [bluebell]: yay a diru wikie

2006-03-14 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Yup, oh Does anyone have those pics uploaded? If you send them to me, I'll start a fanart page.

2006-03-14 [Naruto-kun's Sakura-chan]: 0.0 creepy...

2006-03-14 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Really? I loveth this band.

2006-03-23 [Cult Video]: Elle est douce, la rencontre fatale...

2006-03-23 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Ummm....wha'sat mean?

2006-03-23 [Cult Video]: It means: It is soft, the fatal meeting. From one of my favorite band's songs.

2006-04-19 [Tyrant Calhoun]: <img:> I got Kyo's butt!

2006-04-20 [Cult Video]: Hahahaha ew!

2006-04-20 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Heh! It means who's butt I grabbed! Lol!

2006-04-20 [Cult Video]: 0.o Oh my.

2006-04-20 [♠unlucky starz♠]: wudnt mind that!!! hahaha lol! :P

2006-04-20 [Tyrant Calhoun]: I wouldn't either~!! EH eHEE!!..Sorry Black Maraiah chan....come on, wouldn't you like to grab Kyo's butt?? hmm?? hmmm?

2006-04-20 [Cult Video]: Not particuarly. I don't quite enjoy the concept of one grabbing someones ass. Lol.

2006-04-20 [Tyrant Calhoun]: lol^_^ Weeelll, you know what I mean..I put that I didn't exactly grab it on the quiz. I put that I'd paint my hand and leave a print on his butt! eheeh! I actually wouldn't really go for a butt grab, I'd wanna touch his face...Kyo has a cool face, lol

2006-04-20 [Cult Video]: You know what. He does! Thats...uh...thats interesting.

2006-04-20 [Tyrant Calhoun]: I know! Im very interesting ahahaha! Sometimes Kyo just looks funny though!

2006-04-20 [Cult Video]: He looks so abnormal. An essance that no one has, I think. Heh. Sorry. I'm getting weird.

2006-04-20 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Hey hey, an Im not wierd? Yea "I'd like to touch his face." WTF?!

2006-04-20 [Cult Video]: Lol. But...I'm using big words. And...Its I dunno. *High Five*

2006-04-20 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Oh, your so smart! lol Wooo and..wait..I don't think it's' cool.. *Holds my hands up to high five.* Who's gay? *Puts my hand down leaving yours still in the air.* HAHA! ((My friend did that to me a while ago. It ticked me off lol))

2006-04-20 [Cult Video]: Wait...whos gay? That...uh....What?!

2006-04-20 [Tyrant Calhoun]: If you take down your hand and the other person still has theirs up,it looks like they answered your question by raising their hand!

2006-04-20 [Cult Video]: Uh....sure?

2006-04-21 [♠unlucky starz♠]: hmm... kyos jus tastey! lol!!

2006-04-21 [♠unlucky starz♠]: i cant see the piccy tho!!! waaa!!!

2006-04-21 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Aww. that's too bad. It isn't the greatest anyways though. He's wearin' baggy pants an a baseball tee.

2006-04-21 [Cult Video]: Baggy pants are cool. *Thumbs Up*

2006-04-21 [Tyrant Calhoun]: lol^_^ when theyre on Kyo!

2006-04-21 [Cult Video]: Cause like...alot of guys now a days wear those tight pants. Its so annoying! Egh. It looks very stupid to me. Lol.

2006-04-22 [Tyrant Calhoun]: It does? Im not sure..I don't see them like that often..

2006-04-22 [♠unlucky starz♠]: yeah!! on sum guys it looks ok!! but on others it looks crap! but kyo can wear anything n get away with it! lol!! ^^

2006-04-22 [Cult Video]: Trure true.

2006-04-23 [Tyrant Calhoun]: I donno. I've seen him in a totally girly dress no like at all..

2006-04-23 [Cult Video]: I like. Its awesome! (But not in that way. I'm not creepy like that)

2006-04-23 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Lol^_^ I don't like it when jrockers look way too beautiful....seriously, who wantst to think a man that looks prettier than girls you see walkin' down the street is hot?

2006-04-23 [Cult Video]: I do.

2006-04-23 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Oh..boy...Wait, you like even Shinya when he's dressed to his full drag potential?

2006-04-23 [♠unlucky starz♠]: i get ur point! it is quite creppy wen a guy looks betta than u!! and wen their in a dress it makes it even worse!! it makes u jealous! lol^^

2006-04-23 [Tyrant Calhoun]: I see...Sorry you prolly got my point earlier, but I kept dogging you on it. *bows* Sorry..

2006-04-23 [♠unlucky starz♠]: i dont understand a word of that!! :S im havin an off day today! lol

2006-04-23 [Tyrant Calhoun]: It's alright. i just meant that I was rude and kept being mean about how you think guys like that can be sorryy...

2006-04-23 [♠unlucky starz♠]: oh no they are hot! its jus annoyin that they are prettier than girls! lol!

2006-04-23 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Heh^_^_^ I know. It's like...."Im less femanine than a man!"

2006-04-23 [Cult Video]: Lol thats shiny.

2006-04-23 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Shiny??

2006-04-23 [Cult Video]: Yesh.

2006-04-23 [Tyrant Calhoun]: COOOOL whats that mean??

2006-04-24 [Cult Video]: Yesh = Yes? Or Shiny = Effen Sweet

2006-04-24 [Tyrant Calhoun]: I meant Shiny! I know yesh, and often add sh to my wordsh! Shiny...hmm..I'll have ta use that sometime..

2006-04-24 [Cult Video]: Cool. The Trend begins here. *Shifts eyes*

2006-04-24 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Ahaha, it's your own word?

2006-04-24 [Cult Video]: friend and I use it. And probobly alot more people that I don't know. So...I don't claim the word, "mine". But...the word is used in my daily vocabulary.

2006-04-24 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Cool beans!^_^

2006-04-24 [Cult Video]: Ha. I heard that on Jonny Bravo, once.

2006-04-24 [Tyrant Calhoun]: WHAT?!! You serious????!!!

2006-04-24 [Cult Video]: Yeah!

2006-04-24 [Tyrant Calhoun]: That's crazy. I think Im gonna jump off a bridge! lol

2006-04-24 [Cult Video]: No! That would be upsetting. :[

2006-04-24 [Tyrant Calhoun]: I was just joking!^_^

2006-04-24 [Cult Video]: Thank you. *Sighs*

2006-04-24 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Im so sorry! I would never jump off of a bridge aha!^_^

2006-04-24 [Cult Video]: Yay!

2006-04-24 [Tyrant Calhoun]: *Falls asleep on keyboard. It's four thirty in the morn, an I can't sleep..

2006-04-24 [Cult Video]: How Fun.

2006-04-24 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Wow that sucked. Last night I woke up at four thirty..and I was like "Wtf am I wide awake for??

2006-04-25 [Cult Video]: I've done that before. But like around 2:15am.

2006-04-25 [♠unlucky starz♠]: i made a cake at 3am! it was fun! lol

2006-04-25 [Cult Video]: Cool! Morning Sugary Goodness!

2006-04-26 [Whiskers]: Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow! Dir en grey is opening for Korn in the Family Values 2006 tour, and I'm going to the one in San Jose!

2006-04-26 [Cult Video]: Psch. You Are Very Lucky.

2006-04-26 [Sabrina Catherine]: nice! I'm jealous.

2006-04-26 [♠unlucky starz♠]: me toooo!! sucky old england!

2006-04-26 [Sabrina Catherine]: sucky island in alaska.... at least you can drive to other places, and your island is bigger....

2006-04-26 [Cult Video]: I Don't Live On An Island. I Live In California! >_>

2006-04-27 [Sabrina Catherine]: I was tlaking to [♠unlucky starz♠], not you [Cult Video]

2006-04-27 [Tyrant Calhoun]: NO EFFIN WAY!!! -_-...Wheres San Jose?

2006-04-27 [♠unlucky starz♠]: yeah!! think of us poor little people who live in crappy places and dont get to see them!

2006-04-27 [Sabrina Catherine]: I live on a teeny island with only 3500 people, and no where to go by car alone.....

2006-04-27 [Tyrant Calhoun]: WAAAH! Poor Sabrina! *glomps* SWIM GIRL, SWIM OFF DEH ISLAND!

2006-04-27 [Whiskers]: I made a Dir en grey Discography page

2006-04-27 [♠unlucky starz♠]: heres a lifejacket hun!! swim for ur life!!!!!

2006-04-28 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Cool! Thanks [Whiskers]!!

2006-05-01 [♠unlucky starz♠]: hmm.... hows everybody doing then?

2006-05-01 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Ahahaha..good but I feel like crap....How bout you??

2006-05-02 [♠unlucky starz♠]: awww!! poor u!! hope u feel less like crap soon! im good thnx!! i have my art exam tomoz!! yays!! lol!! its quite sad that im ecited about an exam!^.^

2006-05-02 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Why are you excited?? Is it.....umm... an exam where you actually draw??

2006-05-02 [♠unlucky starz♠]: i dont have to draw anything! i have to do a set of lino cuts based on the influences of the bauhaus! and we get to eat and stuff in it so like yeah!! we have noodles too!! yays!!

2006-05-02 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Oh! Neato benito bun!^_^

2006-05-03 [♠unlucky starz♠]: hmm... i understnad that as much as i understand gangsta talk!! lol!! translate plz!! lol! ^.^

2006-05-04 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Just a stupid way of saying cool! Neato is self explanitory ((I hope)) and a benito bun is a Japanese food...I think. I just put the words together heh...Im such a dork^_^'

2006-05-04 [♠unlucky starz♠]: lol!! yeah!! very kewl!! lol!! made me chuckle! lool!! im scared of fish!! ahhh... the sushi!! lol

2006-05-04 [Tyrant Calhoun]: EEEEEK!!! Sushi!! That has to be the scariest food in the world, seeing as I also hate fishesh!

2006-05-04 [♠unlucky starz♠]: i have a phobia of them! lol!! atleast ur with me on the sushi being scary! lol

2006-05-04 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Heheeee!! Ya mean your scared of their sliminess and their puckery littlle fishy lips?? *Falls over laughing.*

2006-05-04 [♠unlucky starz♠]: nah im jus scared of all of um!! i run away frm my mom who cdhases me round the super market with a fish in the trolley!! lol!! i hate them! ^.^

2006-05-04 [Whiskers]: But why do you hate them?

2006-05-04 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Lol!^_^ Eheeeheee! My mom never cooks fish. Thank God!

2006-05-05 [Whiskers]: I like fish . . .

2006-05-05 [♠unlucky starz♠]: cus of wen i was lil this fish big koi carp knocked me in a tank full of koi at the gardedn centre! lol!! sounds silly ... but thast where it stemed from! lol

2006-05-06 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Wow~ Koi big enough to knock a kid down??

2006-05-07 [♠unlucky starz♠]: lol! i was only a likkle kid! lol!and was leaning ova the edge of the tank!

2006-05-07 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Oh boy! I bet you were like. "LOOKIT THE FISHY!!" *Bam&

2006-05-08 [♠unlucky starz♠]: yeah!! lol!! u got it!! ^.^

2006-05-08 [Whiskers]: Poor Tat ={ *Pat-pat*

2006-05-08 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Lol Now even the little fishies creep you out?

2006-05-09 [♠unlucky starz♠]: thnx tyler!! ^.^ even ikkle fishys... im okish with goldfish... when they are in a tank!! lol!

2006-05-09 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Hee! Cool...Hey, does anyone here like Johnny The Homicidal Maniac?

2006-05-09 [Whiskers]: I own the Director's Cut and the first issue, as well as the Squee! trade paperback and both issues of I Feel Sick ^^

2006-05-10 [Tyrant Calhoun]: ...Lucky...Im going to buy them soon but I've had trouble finding them.

2006-05-11 [Whiskers]: Great . . . Dir en Grey is going to get me banned from everything and a psychiatrist . . .

2006-05-11 [♠unlucky starz♠]: lol!! why?!?!?!

2006-05-11 [Whiskers]: My parents think that I'm "disturbed" because I listen to them. They looked-up their videos and saw OBSCURE, and now they think I'm going to kill somebody

2006-05-11 [♠unlucky starz♠]: that sucks then!! stupid rents!!!!

2006-05-11 [Whiskers]: And they blame DeG for me doing poorly in school

2006-05-11 [♠unlucky starz♠]: thats jus a load of crap! thats a shite reason!

2006-05-11 [Whiskers]: First they only hated it because it was in Japanese

2006-05-11 [♠unlucky starz♠]: thats very prejudice! they will find any reason they can to stop u listening to them and blame everything on them till u do!

2006-05-11 [Whiskers]: I know . . .

2006-05-11 [♠unlucky starz♠]: grrrrrr..... my parents decided not to intefere any more! they gave in!

2006-05-11 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Yea..Mine don't mind deg anymore but they wont let me go to a concert..

2006-05-15 [♠unlucky starz♠]: i wish they wud cum to england sumtime! if i were u i wud lie about who i was gonna go and see in concert!! they wudnt know!!

2006-05-15 [Tyrant Calhoun]: could get away with that...???...My parents would definitely know..

2006-05-16 [♠unlucky starz♠]: yeah! i let my friends order the tix n then i pay them and tell my mom im going to some other gig but its at the place where im going!

2006-05-16 [Tyrant Calhoun]: OOhhh...Coooool...I still would never get away with it..

2006-05-17 [♠unlucky starz♠]: lol!! i cudnt get away with going to dowload like that tho! lo

2006-05-17 [Tyrant Calhoun]: ...dowload??

2006-05-18 [♠unlucky starz♠]: download... its a metal festival over a weekend at donnington castle and it so great ^.^ i wanna go but i cant this yr!

2006-05-18 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Aww, That sucks. What bands in particualar go there??

2006-05-20 [♠unlucky starz♠]: this year its got about 30 there... metalica, trivium, bullet for my valentine, tool, avenged sevenfold ect... mostly metal bands

2006-05-21 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Aha! I seeee... I don't know if I'd go even if I could. I don't know why I don't like American metal bands very much..

2006-05-21 [Whiskers]: I also don't much care for American metal bands. I don't even consider Dir en grey very "metal," even though a lot of people do

2006-05-21 [♠unlucky starz♠]: i dont know wot to call dir en grey! lol!! i cudnt catargorise them!

2006-05-21 [Whiskers]: Well, I'm ordering the tickets to the Family Values concert tomorrow. Yay!

2006-05-22 [♠unlucky starz♠]: wow!!! lucky bugga!! hope u have a good time there!!!

2006-05-23 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Uh...Family...Values?

2006-05-25 [Whiskers]: The concert that Korn, Deftones, Stonesour, Flyleaf, and Dir en grey are going to be playing at ^^

2006-05-26 [♠unlucky starz♠]: nice new banner!!!

2006-05-26 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Lol! I luff it...and oh yea....Family Values....I WAAAANNAAAA GOOO!

2006-05-26 [Whiskers]: I made zhe new banner ^^

2006-05-27 [♠unlucky starz♠]: well done! its groovy!!^.^

2006-05-27 [Whiskers]: Thanks ^^

2006-05-28 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Jya~! oooh...I might be able to go to the tour..eheh

2006-05-28 [Tyrant Calhoun]: LOOK~~!!

2006-05-28 [Tyrant Calhoun]: <img:>

2006-05-28 [Whiskers]: Well, I'm going to the one in Sacramento, California

2006-05-28 [Tyrant Calhoun]: Aw coolio...thats uber far away from me though.

2006-05-28 [Whiskers]: Aww ={ I'm gonna sneak-in a camera, though ^^

2006-05-28 [Tyrant Calhoun]: OOOH! I wanna see the outcome! Isn't that colored pic funneh?! Theyre all playin gameboys hee!

2006-05-28 [Whiskers]: Oh, they have a new single coming out in July ^^

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